Spring/Summer Print Trends for your wardrobe!

What is more spring than fun patterns <3 We know that for the spring silhouettes we’ll be seeing short sleeves, a bit more cleavage, and maybe a backless option (We suggest grabbing your pair of VZLush Lifters to MAKE IT FASHUN!). 


But in terms of prints, spring is one of the most fun times of the year. Have you seen the spring pattern trends this year? Here is a list so you get inspired and try some looks out and incorporate some funky pieces into your wardrobe: 

  1. Stripes in bold bright colors, reminiscing on the ‘70s vibes. 
  2. Water Color is the softer version of tie-die for this season. 
  3. Bold floral prints inspired by the ’80s.
  4. Sutil paisley in warm neutral colors to give a fun look. 
  5. Twisted geometry in bold colors that bring interest to any outfit.

If you are not so much into the prints, you can always try to compromise and use accessories that include these trends so you add some spice to your lewks without going all out on the mismatching prints. Have fun and keep on living #BralessFlawlessAndTrendy.

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